C - Classes - Adult Irish Dance Class

€ 15.00

Only 5 remaining


Current terms: 

4 week Mondays May 13th, 20th & 27th. June 3rd. 
4 week Wednesdays May 8th, 15th & 29th. June 5th.

Next term: Summer June/Aug.

Please book a place in your preferred class time/level

Please note: Terms will need to be postponed if a Covid resurgence.

Beginner to intermediate level is for grades 1 to 5, new starts and those returning to dancing after some time out.

Intermediate to advanced level is for grades 6 to 12

All dancers are welcome to take part in as much activities as they wish - grading exams, travel tours (Paris, Rome, The Hague, .... Paris is next again!?!), competitions (very few available) and fun evenings out (ex to see dance shows such as Prodijig, Riverdance etc)

Limited number per class. Booking essential. Priority given to term dancers.

Pay as you go only available if full spaces are available after term dancers sign up.

Blarney/Tower. 1 hour class duration per week.

€15 payg for a single class, term class reduction (~16% reduction)

Please note for the Academic year 23/24, there will be senior dancers prepping for teaching exams who will run some of the classes.

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